Meraki Impact focuses on food systems and regenerative agriculture. If you’re not familiar with those terms, you can learn what we mean by that scrolling on this page.
A food system is the entire process of producing food and getting it to someone’s plate.
This means that several activities are essential for a food system to work: from seed selection to food distribution, for example.
We select projects that work on regenerative solutions in any step of the food systems they’re involved in.
We are especially interested in the ones that work with agricultura regenerativa.
Conventional agriculture practices in several of our current food systems harmed our planet. Regenerative agriculture is a sum of techniques and processes that aims to heal the soil while growing food at the same time. Regenerative agriculture can be a tool to build sustainable food systems.
Regenerating our agricultural practices is important because when the soil, the land was harmed by intensive farming, the damage wasn’t just local – it was global. Our planet suffers with the current climate crisis and one of the main villains in this story is they way we have been producing food in large scale – by using pesticides, and not valuing the health of the soil.
We invest in impact funds, make direct investment and have projects that are linked to this idea of making sure our food systems are more sustainable in order to fight climate change while investing in our population’s overall health.